Thursday, December 23, 2010

THE GOD MACHINE GN is OUT! + News, Podcasts, more!

Hey everybody!

Long time no real post, huh?
But let's get down to business, shall we?

So, i'm pleased to announce, after years of waiting, the one, the only, THE GOD MACHINE hardcover #1 is finally OUT!!!


Technically it came out on some random date in, and an early release at NYCC... But never the mind on when it came out, it's out now!

You can get it on Amazon, major book chains, and best of all- your local comic shops! (if the local comic shop, or major book chain doesn't have it, ask them to order it!)

The quick run down (despite what it says on most sites, which have incorrect info):

The God Machine: volume 1
160 pages
Publisher: ARCHAIA
List price- $24.95
Hard Bound
Full color
13 pin-ups by awesome artists!
and a not-to-be-missed foreword by Doc Hammer of Venture Brother's fame.

For you guys to enjoy!

And please, pretty please... let me know what you think.
Also, let others know what you think too! Post reviews in your blogs, websites, on amazon, facebook, mini tweet reviews... and tell me where they are so i can link you on my website. :)

Also! Big thank you to everybody who has wrote me the past couple of months here- i've been reading everything you've wrote. Sorry i haven't written back to a good chunk of you. -life has been... different.

Check them out! Lots of neat goodies and insights! I talk with Sidebar, Comic Geek Speak, Venture Bros. Blog, SciFi Block, and Cammy's Comic Corner makes THE GOD MACHINE, book of the month!

As for reviews: Newsarama, Comic Waiting Room, and Graphic Policy weigh in what they think about THE GOD MACHINE.


A new year approaches and it's time to get super serious! I'm teaming up with my ultra talented boyfriend, writer/creator of Critical Millennium, Drew Gaska, for the GOD MILLENIUM signing tour! Hopefully more chances for me to meet more of you in places i've never been before. :)

So far this is what's confirmed:

MegaCon: March 25th - 27th, 2011. Artist Alley.
Super Show: April 30th & May 1st, 2011. Artist Alley.

Possible and more than likely other conventions:
Wizard World Philly
San Diego Comic-Con
Baltimore Comic-con
New York Comic-con

BLAM! Ventures

BIG announcement!- I'm now a Creative Director at BLAM! Ventures. I'm looking forward to bringing my artistic creativeness to the group... ;D More on this later.

Life Things

So, what's been up with me, besides a book release? A lot, actually. Me and my husband, Jim, are parting ways in life. We grew apart over the past couple of years, and it was time to move on. I still love him very much, but it's time to go our separate ways. I will always cherish the time we had, and the experiences. We part as friends, not rivals.
Thank you Jim, for everything.

I have also moved from Orlando, Florida to New York with my boyfriend Drew and my cat Adrien. I'm very happy to have moved after nearly 29 years in Orlando.

My 29th birthday is approaching this "Chanmas" (Christmas, to you non-Chan believers... ;D) It's my first one with out any family. A little sad, but i'm happy to have a change of pace.

As for other comic projects-
I've started to work on THE GOD MACHINE vol. 2, finished drawing up a few pages for Archaia's Fraggle Rock book (Vol.2 issue #2), and working on various other comic projects.

And so far, that's it.

A new path, a new life, a new love... and still comics. :heart:

Love ya guys!

Happy Holidays~



Twitter: @spookychan
Facebook: ChandraFree